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CBN Disc for Spring End Grinding
CBN Disc for Spring End Grinding

CBN Disc for Spring End Grinding

Grinding Wheel for Spring End Grinding

Workpiece of Spring: Spring steel, Stainless steel, High Carbon, Galvanized wire, Mild steel, high tensile Cr-Si

Spring grinding wheel: cbn grinding disc,  aluminum oxide and silicon carbide wheel

Product Details

CBN Disc for Spring End Grinding is required if the spring is to stand straight, mate flush with a flat surface, exert a uniform pressure on a flat surface or maintain a more consistent length.Spring is crush fed in between two grinding wheels.

It is important that the springs are carried across the entire face of the wheel. If the grinding wheels have a center hole, the springs should break into the center by approximately ¼ of the spring diameter. If the springs do cross the entire grinding wheel face, the wheel will not wear evenly and develop a high center. This will require frequent dressing and will cause problems keeping the springs square

CBN Disc for Spring End Grinding

Moresuperhard mainly produces Spring grinding wheels include,
* superabrasive CBN disc,
* aluminum oxide and silicon carbide, aluminum oxide grinding wheel.The commonly used grains for spring grinding are aluminum oxide and silicon carbide, aluminum oxide the common.

Workpiece Materials Of Spring
Spring steel, Stainless steel, High Carbon, Galvanized wire, Mild steel, high tensile Cr-Si

Spring steel

Applicable Spring Grinder
Moyer,OMD, Wafios, Dorn, Herckelbout, Hack, Bamatec, Kamatech and Bennet Mahler,etc.


The grit size of the grain is typically determined by the wire diameter. Generally, the following guidelines apply

Wire Diameter Grit Size
010” to .025” 120 grit
.025” to .040” 60 or 80 grit
040” to .080” 24 or 36 grit
080” to .120”  24 grit
 >.120” 16 grit

The case of cbn disc for Spring end grinding

 cbn disc for Spring end grinding

Bonded of wheel Metal bond CBN Disc
Specification 16”450mm outside diameter

1”Backing plate thickness

8” Inner hole

CBN Grain Size 50 / 70
Workpiece of Spring   high tensile Cr-Si
Wire dia 0.120-0.200”
   Rotation speed 50 m/s

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