
Home > Products > Automotive Industry > For Engine and Turbochager > Vitrified CBN Grinding Wheel for Camshaft
camshaft grinding wheel
camshaft grinding wheel
camshaft grinding wheel

Vitrified CBN Grinding Wheel for Camshaft

CBN Grinding Wheel for Grinding camshaft

Model: 1A1 Vit cbn wheel

Suitable CNC cam Grinder: Toyoda, Schaudt, Landis, Junker etc

High precision and good surface quality
High adhesion strength
Excellent performance
Reduced grinding forces
Easy dressing

Product Details

Vitrified bond CBN Grinding Wheel is suitable for grinding the cam lobes of automobile camshafts. The wheel speed is 80m/s-160m/s, designed to used on CNC Cam Grinders.

The main parts of the camshaft to grind and regrind, include
► Camshaft main journals
► Cam (fixed on shaft)
► Cams (single)
► Camshaft tube

camshaft grinding wheel

camshaft grinding camshaft grindingwheel

Applicable Machines Of Vit CBN Grinding Wheel For Camshaft Grinding LANDIS: LT1, LT2
► NAXOS: NAXOS-UNION, P310*1250, Gf70
► JUNKER: JUCAM5002/10, JUCAM500, JUCRANK5000,6000
► TOYODA: GCS63, GL5P-63, GL6P-100, GCH120B, GC32M-63, GCH63B, GL63M-T

camshaft grinding camshaft grinding

Advantages of vitrified cbn grinding wheel
1.High precision & good surface quality
2.High adhesion strength
3.Excellent performance
4.Reduced grinding forces
5.Easy dressing


1a1 grinding wheel

Type D (mm) T (mm) H (mm) X (mm)
1A1 150 6 32 3 5
1A1 200 10 32 3 5
1A1 250 10 75,152.4 3 5
1A1 300 12 127,152.4 3 5
1A1 350 15  100, 152.4 3 5
1A1 400 14 100 3 5 8
1A1 450 15 100 3 5 8

The Cases of Camshaft Grinding

Vit CBN Grinding Wheel for Camshaft Grinding

Model / Size D355xID152.4*T15 Vit CBN Grinding Wheel for Camshaft
Grain Size #80/100
Camshaft Grinding Machine PAlAMRY
Grinding Machine Speed 2500 r.p.m.
Workpiece Hardness HRC 55-60
Wheel speed (m/s) 50m/s
Camshaft Speed 0~30 r.p.m.
Grinding allowance 0.5mm-1mm
Cooling Liquid Oil-water mixture

Double Ends Vit CBN Wheel for Camshaft Grinding

Model/ Size 120*15*66*(21+17) Double ends vitrified bond CBN grinding wheel
Grinding Machine Applicable Grinding Machine Toyoda (JKT)
Workpiece Workpiece Cam lobes of camshaft
Workpiece Material GCr15
Hardness of grinding layer HRC58-62
Grinding allowance Diameter: 1.2mm
Rough grinding(Φ0.99mm, speed 0.08mm/r)
Semi-finishing(Φ0.11mm, speed 0.03mm/ r)
Fine grinding (Φ0.02mm, speed 0.01mm/r)
Grinding Parameter Wheel speed (m/s) 72m/s
Roughness after grinding Ra≤0.64
Grinding time 66″
Dressing Parameter Dressing Tool Sintering diamond roller
Cooling Liquid oil cooling
Grinding Wheel Life grind about 8750 pieces


Vitrified bond CBN wheel for Camshaft Journale

Grinder Junker
Camshaft Part Camshaft journale
Material JB/T6397 / EN10305-2 E355
Hardness HBS 207-302 / HV10 210min
working allowance Diameter:0.9mm

Rough grinding:0.9mm-0.1mm

Finish grinding:0.1mm-0mm


Parameters Wheel speed 80m/s-120m/s
Roughness Ra≤0.3.2
Precision Roundness0.005
Tg 90″
Dressing Tool CNC Reverse Plated Dressers
Speed 70 m/s


Allowance 0.003*6/7



Service life 180 Camshaft journale/dressing

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